Et plus précisément direction l'hôtel St Robert, charmante chambre d'hôte nichée au coeur de la nature, avec sa terrasse ? l'ombre des glycines? Quant ? ma chambre? un seul mot : ?Wouah!? Sinc?rement, j'ai été sciée par ma chambre? ... Direction pour cela le restaurant Vernat ? Favars pour un dîner-causerie sur le patrimoine culinaire de la région en compagnie de l'écrivain Régine Rossi-Lagorce passionnée de saveurs et de produits de terroir. Et l? je dois confesser que ...
2 For ease of reference we refer to all these variables as financial variables, being aware that this terminology is somewhat sloppy in the case of house prices and real estate and other tangible assets. ...... mechanism, in particular those using FAVARs (e.g. Bernanke et al. 2005, Boivin et al. 2009) base the analysis on long sample periods going back to the 1970s or even the. 1960s. The fundamental drawback of long samples, which also led us to choose a shorter ...
OMG that reindeer. And that Frankenstein. And that... Oh man. I'll be laughing over those for days to come. As always, thanks! I needed that today. I'm supposed to be on bvacation/b and couldn't go because of too much work to do. (sigh) b...../b Nikki said... GREAT call on pulling yesterday's post. I think the baker did a major fail, but it is NOT worth getting death threats over. That's insane. WV: bfavar/b - you did the baker a big bfavar/b by pulling that post. Good for you! ...